
Friend and husband of Ray – Sheila Appleyard passed away on this day 2016 May she rest in piece. All departed friends and ship mates, Tom March, Jerry Lee and Sheila Appleyard.

In Memoriam

I know there is very ‘slow’ news here these days, however I must stress my passion for LOF, its history, personnel and management has inspired many of us to greater things in life. Another year passes by and it is unfortunate that most posts these days are about another ‘old […]

18 Years Of LOF News – Merry Christmas

Sculpture unveiled to commemorate the crew of the bulk carrier Derbyshire, whose loss ‒ after years of campaigning by the seafarers’ families ‒ left a legacy of improved safety standards throughout the industry… A permanent memorial to the 44 people who died when the UK-flagged bulk carrier Derbyshire sank in […]

Plaque for Derbyshire

Today 12th September a final farewell to TT – unfortunately I could not attend. My thanks to those who haver contacted me to support the LOF Anchor Wreath and shipmates who have previously sponsored this befitting memorial. This is a picture the florist sent me this morning…. The card reads […]

Final Farewell – Tony Tierney

Further to my posting on the 04th September. I can confirm that arrangements have been made to have a LOF Anchor Wreath/Tribute accompany Tony at his funeral on the 12th September. I do not have Tony’s sisters postal address only an e-mail and I have been in contact with her […]

Tony Tierney Update

I am sorry to inform that Captain Tony Goldsmith passed away a couple of months ago. I have only recently been informed as his wife is in a nursing home and his (2) children are also in a home. I never sailed with Tony, but everyone spoke very highly of […]

Passing Away of Tony Goldsmith

My apologies for the slight delay – am away at present – We remember our dear friend and ship mate Tom March who sadly passed away on 11th July 2007

In Memoriam