
Good to hear from you. We were living on Teesside when we attended the LOF Reunion, I was working for Corus/Tata Steel.I completed my work there in 2011 and returned to the US. However, we are spending part of our year in France and loving it.The copy of the book is […]

Ex LOF Officer David Reid – Book

I was on the Overseas Ambassador.Lads I knew from college were Phil Marshall, a German lad named Gierhart (sorry, not sure of his full name), Rob Fullagher. I  am actually in contact with Rob on FB as I knew him and his now wife, Elsie, back when they first met […]

Paul Clay

After a hundred days of the partial lock-down – some are getting back to normal. Not here, we are still being ‘careful’ in what we are doing.My Council work and Neighbourhood Watch Group, have been busy delivering medicines/precriptions/food/parcels and organising doctors etc.Holidays were cancelled – but that said, we booked […]

Hope everyone is well

Arrangements for Bob’s funeral are as follows:-Date :- Thursday 07th May 2020Time:- 13:30Place:- Baglan South WalesNote:- Due to Corvid-19 lock-down only family able to attend. I have arranged on behalf of all Bob’s friends, shipmates and LOF collegues,our usual Floral Anchor Wreath along with a large Red Ensign, this is […]

Bob Stinchcombe RIP

Today 09th April is the 50th anniversary of the tragic loss of the London Valour at Genoa. It was hoped that a group of us would pay our respects on Thursday 09th. Preparations have been well advanced, the British Consul in Genoa has been fantastic as before in organising with […]

London Valour 50th Anniversary

Sad to inform that Ex LOF Ch/Off Brian Rogers has passed away.Brian sailed with LOF during the 1970’s and after leaving, worked as a Funeral Director and for HM Customs & Excise.He lived in the Solihull area of Birmingham and had been in poor health for some time. He died […]

Passing Away – Brian Rogers Ex Ch/Off

I rediscovered your LOF website today while I was searching the web for something completely unrelated to shipping! Originally from Spean Bridge in the West Highlands, I went to Glasgow Nautical College before going to sea with LOF. I was an Engine cadet on the Victory in 1992 and then the […]

Welcome back Kenny Maclennan