The 51st anniversary of the loss of the LOF vessel – ‘London Valour’ 09th April 2021
Last year, a small group of us were planning to pay our respects to our lost friends and family, as we had done so on the 40th anniversary.
Unfortunately due to COVID we were unable to do so, and there would not be an opportunity this year.
The below is a message via Eric Hill …..
I received the following message from Denise at the British Consulate in Genova.
Eric I wish to inform you that Admiral Carlone intends to honour the memory of the “London Valour” as he did last year in a very low toned, brief ceremony.
There will be the lowering of the flags at 8am and at 10 am the vessels in port will sound their horns in respect. He has invited me to attend and I accepted on behalf of the British community. Canon Tony Davidson will also accompany me.
I will miss you all but C19 has obliged us to think, work, live in a new way.