
We are in sunnier climates – Southern Phuket for Christmas & New Year…whilst here I am meeting up with Ex LOF Deck Officer Keith McCart….more after we meet.  Received correspondence from Andy Nelson, whose father Roy Nelson was Master with Counties and LOF….If you look at the LOF News Printed […]

Merry Christmas & A Prosperous Healthy New Year

 Not a great deal of ‘new’ news – so I’ll post up what Connie & I have been  up too. We have come on our annual extended holidays out to the Far East  – something we have done for a number of years, get away from the bleak, grey, miserable British […]

News December 2016

Today I met up with Bob Bruce and Rod Wilkenson for a catch up. We suggested that we try and meet on a regular basis and thought it might be a good idea to post it on the LOF website. We hope some of the northern member might be available […]

Message from Don Dunlop

My thanks to LOF E&EO Robert (Bob) Bruce..who sent the following. Bob Blake, Don Dunlop, Rod Wilkinson, Margaret and I attended today. I passed on the messages from Campbell Dobie, Dennis Jakobaufderstroht, Bob Mayman, Jonathan Plunkett, Bob Stinchcombe and yourself. Sheila was very pleased to hear from everyone and sends […]

Funeral of Capt Andrew McNab

News is coming in of the passing away of Capt Andrew McNab. The funeral is at 09:30 on Tuesday morning at the RC church in Livery Street in Bathgate, West Lothian. LOF E&EO Bob Bruce is hoping to attend. I have no further news and Capt McNab was not on […]

Passing Away of Capt Andrew McNab

It is with great sadness to inform our shipmates, friends, and colleagues of the death of Ben Killeen. Ben was a Radio Officer with LOF, having sailed with Marconi and when LOF employed their R/O’s direct Ben transferred over around 1958. I have covered some history of Ben in the past, […]

Ben Killeen (R.I.P.)

Not a lot of News from LOF friends…so Connie & I who are celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniversary later this year – have already begun the ‘celebrations’…. We left the UK at the beginning of July and started our extended holiday in Vancouver, then onto Anchorage/Alaska for a 8 days […]

Happy Holidays – Again