London Spendour III Breaker Yard

My thanks to Dave Meare who has passed this news along.

The London Spendour III was one of the last ‘new’ Suex-Max tankers built for LOF
1996 built by Mitsui Japan.

Hi Roy,

I’d had a wearying day today, when just half an hour ago I decided to have a break and a mooch round on the Internet.  In a sidebar on YouTube I saw an invite to have a look at ships being broken at Gadani Beach, so I had a look.  There was a big (certainly from my experience) tanker on an almost empty sandy beach with a chunk of bow missing. At the start of the video they focussed on the name on the bow but having had the shot pan away  from the name, I was scrabbling to rewind because my slow running brain had just said “Hang on, there was a ‘LONDON…’ under that voyage to the breakers name.  The rest wasn’t wholly readable but I was able to trace the IMO through her final name Cheval Bleu. She was the LONDON SPLENDOUR III.

Naturally on YouTube there will be some adverts before the main event….

So, watch