Ex LOF personel and loved ones.
John Moss – John was a Radio Officer in LOF – Went to Sea in 1942, Marconi/Siemens/AEI and LOF in 1957 until 1974 then onto SANKO until ill health retired in 1983. Remembers R/O Hill on London Valour, whom relieved him prior to grounding. Married to Marjorie for over 50 years.
Passed away today May 22nd 2008
Jack & Jean Kirkham – Jack & Jean sailed together over a number of years.
Jack was a 2nd/Eng for many years and then became Ch/Eng in the 1990’s – They went to live in France, where Connie & I visited them twice. Jack passed away on the 05th May 2005.
Jean returned to the UK and I visited her in a nursing home shortly before she passed away on the 22nd May 2013

Andrew Gillie – Andrew sailed with LOF most of his sea-going life, Irene sailed with him for many years after their children had grown up. Andrew passed away on the 23rd May 2006