Today 09th April is the 50th anniversary of the tragic loss of the London Valour at Genoa. It was hoped that a group of us would pay our respects on Thursday 09th. Preparations have been well advanced, the British Consul in Genoa has been fantastic as before in organising with the various official departments for the event.
As many know we went out in 2010 for the 40th anniversary and if you look back in the achives of 2010 you will find articles and photographs of that event.
It is with great disappointment that the eevent(s) have had to be cancelled because of the Corona Virus problems worldwide.
In a short tribute here on the LOF News Website is a list of the Officers who sailed on the vessel.
Master Donald Muir & Marion (dimised)
Ch/Off Robert Kitchener (survived)
2nd/Off Donald McIsaac (demised)
3rd/Off Meurig Caffrey (survived)
Rad/Off Eric Hill & Anne (demised)
Ch/Eng Sam Mitchell (survived)
2nd/Eng Arthur Carey (survived)
3rd/Eng John C Bell (survived)
X “” John Evans (survived)
J/Eng Roger Palser (demised)
J/Eng R C Richie (demised)
E/Cad Steve Benstead (survived)
Ch/Stw J Anderson (survived)
Ch/Stw E Jenner (demised)
Elect Eddie Livie (survived)
I have no record of the Indian Crew.
On this day we will remember of lost seafaring friends and family RIP